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Server Save, Server Boot and Kill Statistics

Writer's picture: BrighidBrighid

This post serves as a foundation for a series of information related to creature mechanics, bosses, and events that are directly or indirectly related to the timing of certain technical server events.

First, the first two terms in the title refer to completely distinct things with entirely different uses.

Server Save

It is the moment when information related to characters, houses, map sections, and other details is saved in a kind of Backup. This Backup is used in situations that require it (such as bugs or other issues that may occur). Its time is always at 10 AM Germany time (which can be considered CET—Central European Time without daylight saving or CEST—Central European Summer Time with daylight saving).

How to check when the Server Save is in my time zone?

Method 1: Access the Forum of, in the upper right corner, there's "Current Time." Check the difference in hours between this time and your computer's time. You should apply this time difference (whether negative or positive) to the 10 AM value. For example, in Brasília time (BRT), at the time this post is being written (when Germany is not on daylight saving time, thus CET), there is a 4-hour difference less than the time shown on the forum, so the Server Save occurs at 6 AM BRT. During European daylight saving time, an hour is added to clocks in Germany, so during these periods, the Server Save will occur at 5 AM, one hour earlier than usual.

Method 2: Access any time zone website and convert 10 AM CET (if Germany is not on daylight saving time) or CEST (if daylight saving time is in effect) to your time zone. To determine which one is correct at the moment (CET or CEST), you can check on the Forum itself; this information is in the upper right corner.

Usefulness of knowing the server save time

Knowing the exact server save time will help facilitate a number of objectives within the game, such as:

  • Knowing the exact time of player-organized quest services, which often use the server save time as a base.

  • Predicting the times when certain bosses might be activated, such as Feroxa (between 3 and 12 hours after the server save), or the Devovorga bosses (Cocoon of Doom and Devovorga herself, between 8 and 14 hours after the server save).

  • Having a better chance of completing the Bestiary of the Elf Overseer (Only 3 spawn after the server returns from the server save during a specific stage of the Thornfire world change).

  • For those who love experience-focused hunts, knowing the server save time allows you to start your hunt at the earliest possible moment of the day, especially during double experience events.

  • Outside the game, many contests set their deadlines based on the server save time, so knowing this time helps avoid submitting an entry after the deadline.

  • In the Heart of Destruction Quest, the vortex location changes every 2 hours relative to the server save (note: add the time it takes for the server to return to an online state, which is on average 7-10 minutes).


Server Boot

Much less talked about, the Server Boot time was hidden until the implementation of the Tibia Observer app, and knowing this time is important for a variety of in-game objectives.

How to check when the Server Boot is?

The server boot usually occurs a few minutes after the server save (between 2 and 4 minutes) and also a few minutes before the server is online for player access. On patch days, major updates, or when the server is shut down and restarted, this time may vary from the norm. As explained above, Tibia Observer has made it possible to know when this event happens on the server (whether it occurs after a normal server save or a patch/update). To find out, follow these steps:

  • After linking Tibia Observer to your account, open the Mini World Changes option.

  • Select the world (if your account has characters in more than one world).

  • You will see a list of Mini World Changes to choose from. Look for Nightmare Coast, Nightmare River, and Nightmare in the Tar Pits. Select these three; they represent the World Change for Nightmare Isles (Choking Fear and Retching Horror) which is always active in one of the 3 locations.

  • Then, select In-App and Push Notification and finish your setup by naming the rule (you can use any name for identification).

After these steps, when the Server Boot occurs, Tibia Observer will send a notification regarding the selected Mini World Changes. The time of this notification is exactly the time we are looking for. Note: The exact time (hour and minute) appears only on Android systems. On iOS systems, the notification will only alert you to how long ago it was sent (e.g., "x hours ago").

Usefulness of knowing the server boot time

Example of in-game events that directly or indirectly follow the server boot time:

  • Spawn of the boss Mawhawk. It has a chance to spawn every 10 minutes, based on the server boot time.

  • Possibility of activation of the Mini World Change Bank Robbery, every hour following the server boot time. In this event, you can earn achievements and Bosstiary entries.

  • Possibility of spawn of Albino Dragons. The difference is that you add 10 initial minutes, and then every half hour there is a new chance for this creature to spawn. The base minute is exactly the server boot time plus 10 minutes, and also 40 minutes.

  • Activation of elements of the OrcsoberFest event, in this case, the message about the location change of the Great Schnitzel cauldron.


Kill Statistics

Creature and boss death statistics are saved and published on the daily, but at a time different from those described above. Knowing this time allows you to obtain data on creatures killed the previous day at the earliest possible moment, which helps in better planning for those looking for nemesis bosses, for example.

This has a more stable and fixed time compared to the previous ones, usually occurring 17 hours and 15 minutes after the server save. In simpler terms, at 11:15 PM BRT (when Germany is not on daylight saving time) or 10:15 PM BRT (when it is daylight saving time in Germany).



The Tibia game and all images contained on this website are the property of CipSoft GmbH. Tibia's official website is
Items, Outfits and Monsters images obtained from TibiaWiki BR.

Maps of npc locations have been obtained and directed to the Tibiamaps fansite.

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